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Sanzin Nicoletta

Graduated with top marks and honours from the J. Tomadini conservatory in Udine under the guidence of Prof. P. Tassini; She went on to specialize in the U.S.A. with E. Malone (Eastman University) and S. McDonald (Indiana University); in Itali with E. Zaniboni at the Accademia di S. Cecilia in Rome. She passed her diploma in harp and chamber music with top marks, honours and a study grant from S.I.A.E.
First place in the international "E. Porrino" competition in Cagliari, she has also won numerous prizes in national and international competitions  (UFAM di Parigi, city of Stresa, Salvi ecc.).
She has worked with many orchestras such as: Giovanile di Alpe Adria, Teatro Verdi di Trieste, the Oltenia Philarmonic of Cracow, the RAI Synphony orchestra in Rome and Naples, La Scala Theatre in Milan.
Since September 1995 she has been first harpist in the Slovenska Filharmonija in Ljubljana where she also performed solo.
Director for numerous broadcasting companies in Italy and abroad: RAI, Antenne 2, Telecapodistria, SLO 1, SLO 3 and with the Quadrivium record company.
For several years she has worked with Dramsam a medieval music group.
She has performed in various groups along with other musicians.

Sello Luisa

Ambassador of Music and of Italian Culture, Luisa Sello is one of the most surprising personalities of contemporary art, an elegant flautist and one of the most applauded interpreters of cultured music.

Her working activities are supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by the Ministry of Culture as a ‘unique artist with an exceptional versatility and enchanting charm which is able to reach the soul of each listener leaving behind an unforgettable emotion’
(Il Mattino di Bolzano, Il tempo, ABC Madrid, General Anzeiger Bonn).

Immediately distinguished for her phrasing and quality of sound she began a concert career. She has performed as a recitalist and chamber musician throughout all Europe, the United States, South America, Russian and Asian countries.  Luisa Sello has been guest of the Wiener Symphoniker, the Miami Great Symphony Orchestra and the Salzburger Krammerorchester.

She has collaborated with the Orchestra of the “Teatro alla Scala” in Milan directed by Riccardo Muti. She maintains a vigorous concert schedule and in recent seasons she has performed regularly throughout the midwest, as well as in Italy, Scotland, Thailand and China. She has plaied beside Bruno Canino, Alirio Diaz, Trevor Pinnock, Edgar Guggeis, il Nuovo Quartetto Italiano, lo Jess Trio Wien.

Beside being a visiting professor at University of Music in Vienna, she joined the Faculty of Music in Trieste where she is currently a tenured associate professor.  She also is invited to give master calsses at the Universities of Koln/Aachen, Moscow, Madrid, Miami, Tallin, Zagreb, Peking, Shanghai and Buenos Aires.

In addition to her teaching duties Luisa is the artistic director of the "Amici della Musica Association in Italy (Udine), has won many literary poetry prizes and has published essays on the relationship between music and literature.

Luisa Sello completed the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Italy and Paris where she studied flute, Contemporary and Baroque performance practice. She has studied in Paris with Raymond Guiot “very musical, superb sound”, at the “Accademia Chigiana” with Severino Gazzelloni “magnificent interpretive sensibility and excellent sound”, and at the “Académie Internationale” of Nice with Alain Marion. She has graduated also in “Languages” and in “Modern Literature”.

She records for Stradivarius, one of the most famous companies in Europe.

Sivilotti Valter

His musical compositions, which have earned him prestigious awards, are performed in theatres all over the world.

A pianist, composer and Orchestra Director among the most acclaimed of his generation, Valter Sivilotti has been writing and arranging for the most world-known singer-songwriters, such as  Silvio Rodriguez , Sergio Endrigo, Edoardo De Angelis, Tosca, Bruno Lauzi, Omara Portuondo, Ron, Elisa, Gerardo Alfonso, Antonella Ruggiero, Alice, Milva, Giusy Ferreri, Neri Marcorè, Simone Cristicchi,Giò di Tonno, Allan Taylor, Maya Sar, Arsen Dedic, Saverio Pepe, Arsen Dedic, Maya Sar, Vlado Kreslin, Jan Plesteniak, Dario Vergassola, Mario Incudine, Enzo Iacchetti, Gigliola Cinquetti, Luisa Cottifogli, Lena Chamamyan, Mogol, Noemi, Ascanio Celestini, Roy Paci, Radiodervish, Beppe Fiorello.

As an arranger, he has worked together with Jazz- and World music artists, like Glauco Venier, Norma Winstone, Klaus Gesing, U.T. Ghandi, Francesco Cafiso, Francesco Buzzurro, Mauro Schiavone, Vito Giordano, Humberto Amèschita, Jonas Burgwinkel, Giovanni Amato, Mauro Ottolini, Trilok Gurtu, Achille Succi, Jivan Gasparian, Stefano Ianne.

Among the collaborations in the realm of Classical music, those with soloists like Katia Ricciarelli, Francesco Zingariello, Mario Marzi, Emanuele Arciuli, Roberto Plano, Bruno Canino, are not to miss out.

His ideas, his shows, his music are on the marquees of the best world over orchestras and theatres: the Orchestra of Teatro Verdi in Trieste, the Orchestra of  Teatro Massimo in Palermo, the Orchestra of Teatro La Fenice in Venezia, the Orchestra of Teatro Comunale in Bologna, the  Philarmonic Orchestra of Zagreb, the Orchestra Sinfonica of Santiago de Cuba, the Orchestra Metropolitana in Bari, the Orchestra della Magna Grecia in Taranto, the Orchestra “I Pomeriggi Musicali” in Milano, the Orchestra Toscanini in Parma, the Orchestra of Puccini festival in Torre del Lago, the Bucarest Symphony Orchestra, the Göttinghem Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestra Mitteleuropea, the Orchestra of Teatro Vittorio Emanuele in Messina, the Polish Baltic Philharmonic, the Orchestra dell’Accademia Naonis in Pordenone, the Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Symphony  Orchestra of the Zaporozhye Academy, the Symphony Opera Orchestra Kharkov, the Russian Philharmonic, the Symphony Orchestra of St Petersburg, the “ camerata strumentale” of Prato, the choir of FVG, the “I fiati associate”, the Mac Quartett, The quartet of Zagabria. The Quartet of Praga, the Piano Twelve, The “ Percussionisti”  of the Scala in Milan.

He wrote the original music for the theatrical show “La variante di Luneburg”, featuring Milva , Walter Mramor and Paolo Maurensig (80 nights)

The Ballet “Voglio essere libero” (I want to break free), which was commissioned by Mittelfest, was firstly a world-premier in Cividale and then won the “Anita Bucchi” Award as best music for Ballet 2009.

The collaboration with Simone Cristicchi gave life to the Civilian theme based Musical “Magazzino 18” (about the mass exodus from the Ex Republic of Yugoslavia), produced by the “Teatro stabile of FVG, which was awarded The “Maschere del Teatro” Prize for the best music for theatre shows (200 nights). “Il secondo figlio di Dio”, produced by the “Teatro stabile” of Brescia (on tour now). Orcolat ’76, written in memory of the 40th Anniversary of the Earthquake which hit Friuli, and “La buona novella” by Fabrizio De Andre’, produced by “Artisti Associati” (on tour now)

The project “Carmina Burana”, as commissioned by Mittelfest, was a world premier on its 2015 Festival inauguration night in Cividale.

Poets and singer-songwriters from all around the Balcan area wrote for and took part to the Festival: the choir of FVG and the Mitteleuropean Orchestra directed by the author. In 2017, he then presented his new work “Mamui schiribic mataran in musiche”, based on a Dario Fo’s  script, translated into Friulian (upon authorization of the original author), performed by Marina De Juli, by the “Coro Panarie” and by “Arte Voce Ensemble” coached and directed by Franca Drioli.

In 2017, as a musical director,  he supported Gigliola Cinquetti along her international tour with concerts in  San Paulo, Curitiba, Puerto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo and  Paris.

Since 2017 he has also been in charge of the musical direction of the international concerts tour of Alessandro Safina, in Italy, Russia, Lebanon, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Estonia, Kaliningrad, Latvia and Poland.

“L’incantesimo della luna Nuova” (the magic Spell of the new Moon”), written for the flautist Luisa Sello was performed all over prominent world around festivals: in 2016 with the great Maestro Bruno Canino in Pittsburgh and Chicago. In 2017 with the “quartet of Praga” , the Chamber Orchestra of Astana, the “Orchestra Academica” of Granada , the “Orchestra Benedetto Marcello” of Teramo, also repeated in Baka by a quintet.

Since 2016 he has been collaborating and performing, as an arranger and an Orchestra Director, in several events celebrating Mogol (by and with Mogol himself)

Professor at the Conservatorio (Music College) R. Duni in Matera, Valter Sivilotti is also “Cavaliere all’ordine della Repubblica Italiana” (Senior order of Knighthood of the Italian Republic for acquired merits)

Tomadin Manuel

Diplomato in Pianoforte (massimo dei voti), Organo e composizione organistica, Clavicembalo (Cum Laude); si è laureato in Clavicembalo con una tesi sulle Variazioni Goldberg di J.S.Bach con votazione 110 e lode presso l’ omonimo conservatorio J.Tomadini” di Udine.
E’ docente di organo e composizione organistica al conservatorio di Monopoli.
Manuel Tomadin si dedica costantemente all' approfondimento delle problematiche inerenti la prassi esecutiva della musica rinascimentale e barocca anche attraverso lo studio dei trattati e degli strumenti dell' epoca. Ha seguito corsi di perfezionamento con Claudio Astronio, Michael Radulescu, Luca Scandali, Peter Planyavsky, Olivier Latry, Paolo Crivellaro, Jon Laukvik, Ludger Lohmann, Gustav Auzinger, Hans Fagius, Peter Van Dijk, Francesco di Lernia, Eric Lebrun, Teo Theoliema. Dal 2001 al 2003 ha studiato presso la Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (Svizzera) nella classe di Jean Claude Zehnder. Di grande importanza per la sua formazione sono state le lezioni con i maestri Ferruccio Bartoletti e Andrea Marcon.Collabora stabilmente con il M° Staropoli Manuel (Flauto dolce) e fa parte del gruppo di musica antica "Terg Antiqua"con strumenti originali di cui ne è presidente dell’ omonima associazione per la quale oltre ai molteplici concerti ha registrato per la emittente Telecapodistria e TV Slovenia.
Svolge intensissima attività concertistica, sia solistica, in ensemble o come accompagnatore in Italia e in Europa. Sta curando l’edizione di una raccolta di canzoni strumentali del compositore seicentesco Gabriello Puliti da Montepulciano, riscoperte recentemente in un fondo musicale a Trieste. Ha inciso sei CD e per la collana Organi Storici del Friuli Venezia Giulia e un CD di Sonate per Viola da Gamba e Cembalo di A. Vivaldi per l’ Etichetta Toondrama ed un CD Duello Tastieristico vol.2 con l’ organista M. Ballico Vicepresidente dell’ Accademia Organistica Udinese è altresì docente dei corsi di Musica da camera per strumenti antichi, Clavicembalo e Organo storico alle Vacanze musicali di Sappada (BL) e all’ Accademia Organistica di Belgrado (Serbia). Tiene corsi di perfezionamento alla Musik Hoch Schule di Mannheim.
E’  vincitore di 4 concorsi organistici nazionali e 4  internazionali tra cui spiccano il primo premio a Fussen – Breitenwang – Mittenwald (Germania) e il secondo premio con primo non assegnato al prestigiosissimo concorso Paul Hofhaimer di Innsbruck (Austria).

Venier Glauco

Nato a Sedegliano (Udine) l'8 settembre 1962. Si diploma in organo nel 1985 presso il Conservatorio di Udine.

Si avvicina al jazz come autodidatta e si  perfeziona in seguito per un breve periodo  a Milano con il M° Franco D'Andrea.

Nel 1990 registra il suo primo cd per piano solo intitolato "Finlandia" che viene accolto positivamente dalla critica, distribuito sul territorio mondiale e attualmente di proprietà della Walt Disney International Productions.

Nel 1991 in qualità di borsista studia per due semestri presso il Beerklee College of Music di Boston sotto la guida dei Maestri Ray Santisi, Hal Crook , George Garzone ed Herb Pomeroy.

Semifinalista, finalista e vincitore di vari concorsi internazionali, nella sua modesta carriera ha avuto l'onore e la fortuna di collaborare con vari solisti di fama mondiale tra cui possiamo citare:Toots Thielemans, Lee Konitz, Kenny Wheeler, Steve Swallow, Joey Baron, Marc Johnson, Charlie Mariano, Adam Nussbaum, Michael Gibbs, Cuong Vu, Matt Garrison, Bruno Castellucci, Uli Beckerhoff, Matthias Nadolny, Peter O'Mara,  David Liebman, Abe Laboriel Jr, Chriss Speed,  Michel Godard,  Nguyen Le, Martin France, Enrico Rava, Paolo Fresu, Trevor Watts, Stan Sulzman, Diana Torto, Maria Pia De Vito, Flavio Boltro, Bob Stoloff,  Christian Muthspiel, Gerrod Cagween, Gabriele Mirabassi , Wolfgang Pushnig, Anders Jormin ed altri.

Ha tenuto concerti in Germania ,Svizzera, Francia, Spagna, Portogallo,Lussemburgo, Inghilterra, Estonia, Finlandia, Olanda, Slovenia, Croazia, Serbia, Russia, Stati Uniti D'America, Repubblica Ceca, Austria, Polonia, Canada, Belgio,  Ungheria, Norvegia e Svezia.

Ha effettuato registrazioni per la RAI italiana, ORF austriaca, WDR tedesca, BBC inglese ed altre emittenti minori negli Stati Uniti e Russia.

Ha registrato a suo nome 12 dischi e come sideman circa trenta.

Ha effettuato registrazioni per la Universal, Schott e altre etichette minori.

Nel marzo 2008 è uscito un cd intitolato "Distances" registrato con la cantante londinese Norma Winstone ed il sassofonista tedesco Klaus Gesing prodotto dalla prestigiosa etichetta di Monaco E.C.M.

Nel 2009 lo stesso cd ha avuto la nomination ai Grammy Awards nella categoria vocal jazz.

Dal Novembre 2009 è docente di jazz presso il Conservatorio J. Tomadini di Udine e tiene Master in Italia, Germania e Svizzera.

Nel 2010 uscirà il secondo disco prodotto dalla E.C.M. del trio con Winstone e Gesing.