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Erasmus Mobility






- Please describe briefly your institution's strategy, objectives and priorities for its Erasmus activities (mobility,
multilateral projects, etc.) and any other actions in the context of the Lifelong Learning Programme (2007-2013).
- Please also provide information on the following points:

  1. What specific actions are planned to give visibility to Erasmus activities and what type of publicity will be given to the Erasmus University Charter and the EPS?
  2. What kind of arrangements, if any, does the Institution ensure to comply with non-discrimination objectives (e.g. actions related to gender equality, integration of disabled students and staff, enhancement of social and economic cohesion and combating of xenophobia and racism)?


For the past few years, the Conservatory of music in Udine has collaborated with national and international institutions to promote expansion and growth in the musical education of our students and the students of the other institutions involved. Cultural exchanges have been organized with the Conservatories of Trieste, Castelfranco Veneto and Venice in Italy, and abroad with institutions of Klagenfurt, Mannheim, Graz and Houston (using own funds) and with the Conservatories of Sevilla, Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Karlsruhe, Eisenstadt and Oslo (using funds from the Erasmus National Agency). These exchanges enhanced the standard concert season of the Conservatory and a great number of master-classes attended by many students from various European countries, North America and Australia (some throught the Erasmus system, others paying by themselves). The fact that famous musicians from foreign institutions, similar to ours, came to our Conservatory is at the basis of the project to open up the teaching methods used as much as possible, especially at a European level. The admission of the Conservatory of Music in Udine to the Erasmus system is recent however (2005) and the strategy and the targets are connected to the establishment of new partnerships with foreign institutions. Regarding this point we should point out that our Conservatory is an active member of the AEC (Association of European Conservatories) and regularly attending their meetings. This was the first step in estabilishing a European concept of musical studies and so we are open to the experiences and characteristics of various European music schools. Regarding the mobility in general, we will privilege those institutions which we have already worked with successfully in the past, and we will gradually open up new possibilities for projects with individual institutions, multilater projects and thematic networks with European partners. We will undertake a twin approach to make EUC and EPS more visible: a) The implementation, at an international level, of a specific web page in English ( which already exists) in the conservatory website, connected to study and teaching possibilities in the Conservatory. b) To provide useful information at an institutional level, both to teachers and to students throught the standard information services in the institute (teaching body, academic council and student council) in parallel with possible links to European forum platforms on musical studies. We will give information on accomodation, bureaucracy, etc. to foreign students. We guarantee complete adhesion to European guidelines against racism, xenophobia, inequality, social exclusion and marginalisation of every kind. We are in a position to receive Erasmus students and teachers with disabilities.


Quality of academic mobility activities:

  1. What kind of specific measures are implemented in the institution to ensure high quality in academic mobility activities?
  2. Details should be provided on: recognition and credit systems, the provision of information on curricula, information and counselling of outgoing students, tutoring and integration of incoming students, provision of student services (in particular accommodation), preparatory and refresher language courses, support and acknowledgement of staff mobility.


All outgoing teachers and students have to produce their Curriculum Vitas (CV) and appropriate Commissions in the Institute evaluate them. The Erasmus office of the Conservatory supplies logistic help to outgoing students and teachers giving them useful addresses and allowing them to use the multimedia room (internet room). The Erasmus office also provides the necessary information on bureaucracy, accomodation (proper agreements with boarding schools), meals (throught the regional board which guarantees the right to study), the completion of the Learning Agreements and the organization of language courses and tutoring to incoming students and teachers as early as possible.


Quality of student placement activities:

  1. What kind of specific measures are implemented to ensure high quality in student placements? Give details on how the work-programme and the placement agreements are prepared and implemented. Please describe the practical arrangements agreed between the parties. Please specify also the monitoring and evaluation of the placement(s) period as well as its recognition in the curriculum.


The Conservatory of Music in Udine is well aware of the urgent need to establish closer links with the outside world and to stress the qualities of innovation and competitiveness in the work market. Our purpose is to offer to students a qualified opportunity of work experience in foreign professional institutions. Two years ago we entered in a consortium together with other Italian institutions (K2Europe : The Conservatory of Music in Trieste, The University of Udine, The University of Trieste, The University of Catanzaro and The SISSA of Trieste) so as to develop and to put in the curricula, in the future, the Erasmus placements particularly in the fields of orchestral music, chamber music and technology. The choice of a partner will be focused on: chamber music (the target is to improve the skill and techniques in a foreign context), orchestral music ( so as to improve the orchestral practices and techniques in a foreign context), technology (so as to widening the knowing on this field), music theatre (the goal is to give more experience to singers in a foreign context). The school has in the meanwhile discussed the various issues with its European partners and explored ways of making placements with theatre/orchestral and chamber music institutions . For this purpose we already have requests of placements by our students for the next academic year and we hope to maintain a 10% of student placements between our outgoing students every year. The typology of student placements, the criteria and the durations will be decided together with the partner institutions and will be stated in the policy signed by us, by the partner institution and by the student. We think to evaluate periodically the progress of the work through a tutor chosen by the Conservatory so as to ensure to the student the full recognition of the period spent abroad.