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History of Institute


The opening of the first public music school in Udine goes back to 1826: a new association called the "Udine Philharmonic-Dramatic Association" brings together -since then-, along with the most important members of the local aristocratic families, the citizens who love music and theater. The first location was by the premises above the City Loggia where, in addition to a hall for entertainments and a stage, five rooms for the various activities of the Society, particularly for teaching, are obtained. During the first three years, the authorities are unable to start the music lessons, and the only activity carried out by the association is to organize philharmonic and amateur-actors entertainments; in 1830 it was decided to change the name of the association from "Udine Philharmonic-Dramatic Association" into "Institute", pointing therefore out the basis and the primary purpose of the association, which remained that of music education. In 1831, after regular competition, the following teachers have finally been nominated: a music instructor (singing teacher), Giuseppe Magagnini Marche (Montecarotto, 1802-1885), and a professor of violin, the Friulian Giacomo De Sabbata (Cividale, 1800 - Udine, 1840). In this way, the regular lessons could finally begin, while the regular evening performances of musicians and actors were continuing.

In 1837 the amatuer-actors activity ends, and the school changes its name into "Udine Philarmonic Institute". Starting from 1838, the headmaster of the school is Francesco Comencini (Mantua, 1792 - Udine, 1864), who will then always be working in Udine, with the exception of a shutdown of the Institute which lasted from 1848 to 1857. After his death, the direction passed to Maestro Antonio Traversari (Ravenna 1814 - Moimacco 1887) and Maestro Alberto Giovannini (Brazzano, Gorizia 1842 - Milan, 1903). Starting from 1876, the Municipality of Udine takes direct management of the school, favouring in particular the study of wind instruments, in order to form the city band. The school is radically renewed after World War I, with director Mario Mascagni (San Miniato, Pisa, 1882 - Bolzano, 1948), moving from the premises of "via della Posta" (Post street) to the definitive headquarters in the "Ottelio mansion". In 1922, the school is named after the Friuian musician Don Jacopo Tomadini (Cividale del Friuli, 1820-1883) and, by decree of 1925, we see the equalization of the Musical Institute. The definitive transformation into State Conservatory of Music takes place in 1981, and the expansion of the workforce have led the school to be the most important musical institution in Friuli.